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Data Masking Is Dead: What’s Next?

Jamie Aliperti | Director of Solution Engineering
5 min read

I’ve spent over 10 years in the data analytics and AI industry and I've never been more excited to be working for a company as I am to be at Opaque. Here's why: every company and organization is grappling with data privacy (for regulatory reasons) and, maybe even more importantly, data sovereignty. If you leak your data you've given away your intellectual property and you might not be in business in five to eight years. How do companies protect their data? I’ve seen all the data masking techniques in the book. But AI technologies have made obsolete the traditional data masking techniques. Those old approaches now increase risks, compromise data quality, and waste resources. It is time for a new solution.

The Rise and Fall of Data Masking

Data masking has traditionally been used to protect sensitive information by altering or obfuscating data through techniques like substitution, randomization, encryption, anonymization, and tokenization. This allowed organizations to use production data in non-production environments or share it with third parties without exposing confidential information. 

But that no longer works. These methods now present significant vulnerabilities with the advent of Generative AI (GenAI). GenAI can recognize patterns and draw inferences from vast datasets to potentially reverse-engineer masked data, re-identify anonymized individuals by combining multiple data sources, and uncover hidden relationships that traditional masking techniques can no longer obscure. These capabilities increase the risk of exposing sensitive data, raise serious concerns about regulatory compliance, and jeopardize data sovereignty.

Traditional data masking introduces significant hidden costs as well. Relying on outdated masking techniques leaves organizations vulnerable to sophisticated attacks, leading to potential breaches and regulatory violations. Masking inherently alters data, making it less useful for testing, analytics, and AI models, resulting in less accurate insights. The processes of masking and unmasking slow down data processing and workflows, hindering real-time analytics and decision-making.

Maintaining masked datasets alongside real data adds unnecessary complexity to data management. Traditional data masking gives a false sense of security, causing organizations to overestimate their data protection and overlook better approaches, leaving them vulnerable to both accidents and sophisticated attacks. This inadvertently amplifies their risk by expanding the surface area for attack. To ensure high-performance environments, companies create copies of the data that's masked, which are typically stored unencrypted—because it's masked and considered safe. Right? Wrong. In reality, having multiple copies of masked data floating around only further increases the likelihood of leaking your intellectual property or customer data.

Introducing Opaque’s Confidential AI Platform Solutions

As organizations aim to operationalize sensitive data within their AI workloads, a better solution is needed. This is where Opaque Confidential AI platform comes in. Our solution enables organizations to process and analyze encrypted data without the risk of exposure, eliminating the shortcomings of traditional data masking. 

It is all anchored and delivers on our three principles.

  1. Simply Faster: Secure data processing without the need for masking accelerates insights and leverages cloud scalability. By working directly with encrypted data, organizations can streamline their data workflows and reduce latency.
  1. Better Results: Using encrypted, high-fidelity data ensures more accurate AI outcomes. Without the distortions introduced by masking or obfuscation, AI models can perform faster and more accurately potential, leading to better decision-making.
  1. Always Verifiable: We maintain privacy and compliance through cryptographic verification and a hardware root of trust. This provides an additional layer of security, ensuring that data remains secure, sovereign, and in compliance with regulatory standards.

Embracing the Future of Data Protection

The landscape of AI and data privacy is rapidly changing, and clinging to outdated methods like data masking is no longer viable. Organizations must adapt to new technologies that offer genuine protection while still enabling them to confidently use their data assets in AI and analytics workflows.

By adopting Opaque’s Confidential AI solutions, businesses can:

  • Retain Data Sovereignty: Maintain full control and ownership over your data even when processed or stored by external platforms or cloud services.
  • Accelerate AI Projects: Launch AI programs quickly and securely into production
  • Enhance Protection: Protect sensitive data against the capabilities of GenAI and other emerging challenges.
  • Improve Data Quality: Work with unaltered, high-fidelity data to gain more accurate insights and outcomes.
  • Increase Efficiency: Eliminate the overhead associated with masking processes, accelerating data processing and analysis.
  • Ensure Compliance: Meet and exceed evolving regulatory requirements with robust encryption and verification mechanisms.
  • Optimize Resources: Redirect financial and human resources from maintaining ineffective masking solutions to more strategic initiatives.
  • Retain Data Sovereignty: Yes. I’m listing this twice because companies at scale are waking up to the reality that data sovereignty ensures the viability of their business.


Data masking served its purpose in a different era, but it has become a liability in today's AI-driven world. It exposes organizations to increased risks, degrades data quality, and incurs unnecessary costs. The potential for GenAI to unmask obfuscated data renders traditional masking techniques not just obsolete but dangerous.

The future of data protection lies not in obscuring data, but in securely leveraging its full potential. It's time for organizations to move beyond outdated data masking and embrace Confidential AI solutions that offer genuine protection without compromising efficiency or data utility. By doing so, organizations can securely harness the full power of their data, drive innovation, and maintain a competitive edge, ensuring both the privacy and sovereignty of their most valuable asset in an increasingly data-centric AI world.

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