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Bridging the Gap: Hyperscalers and Verifiable Data Privacy with Opaque, Confidential AI Platform

Rishabh Poddar | Co-Founder and CTO
5 min read

In today’s AI-driven world, hyperscale cloud providers such as Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and Amazon Web Services are indispensable. They provide the infrastructure that enables enterprises to scale their workloads efficiently, while safeguarding their valuable, sensitive data and models. While these services leverage a solid foundation, there’s still significant complexity involved in building a comprehensive solution that fully addresses customers’ needs.

When it comes to data—the lifeblood of any organization—relying solely on hyperscalers’ confidential computing solutions is like renting an empty lot with a fence. Yes, you get the land and some basic security, but the responsibility to build, equip, and safeguard the space lies with you. A critical step to data protection, multi-cloud confidential computing runtime supports the infrastructure layer, ensuring that data remains protected during computation across multiple cloud environments. However, addressing the full complexity of ensuring data privacy and sovereignty while accelerating AI workloads demands a more comprehensive approach.

That’s where specialized confidential AI solutions come in.

These solutions enhance data sovereignty by addressing gaps that hyperscalers alone cannot fully cover:

  • Comprehensive Privacy Controls: They offer end-to-end encryption for data at rest, in transit, and in use, ensuring complete protection across the data lifecycle.
  • Integrated Key Management: Cryptographically enforced data governance and policies enable seamless encryption key management.
  • Remote Attestation: These systems ensure software and hardware integrity through real-time verification, protecting against tampering.
  • Isolated Environments: Confidential AI platforms provide verifiable isolation of infrastructure, ensuring data is safe from both internal and external threats.
  • Scalable Processing: They deliver encrypted, scalable, and reliable data processing without sacrificing privacy or performance.
  • Built-in Compliance: Specialized solutions simplify meeting compliance and regulatory requirements by integrating these features directly into the platform.
  • Tamper-Proof Audits: Verifiable, tamper-proof audit trails are included to ensure transparency and accountability across all data processes.

By addressing these critical areas, confidential AI solutions simplify the complex task of maintaining data privacy in AI workloads, which is otherwise left to users when relying solely on hyperscale infrastructure. At Opaque, we’ve designed a turnkey business that addresses this gap.

Rather than simply providing the infrastructure, we offer a fully furnished office—complete with all the features you need to protect your data and AI workloads right out of the box. From encrypted processing to verifiable audit trails, we handle the complexity so that you can focus on what matters: driving innovation with the confidence that your data is safeguarded and sovereign.

Our recent report, Bridging the Gap: Hyperscalers and Verifiable Data Security with Opaque, Confidential AI Platform,” lays out some of the key differences between the offerings of hyperscalers and the offerings of Opaque Systems—underscoring the value of our comprehensive platform, designed for swift integration into existing workflows and software stacks.

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