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Revolutionizing confidential computing with a secure, collaborative AI platform in Trusted Execution Environments

A group of people sitting on the steps of a building.

Transforming AI deployment by securely extracting value from sensitive data

Opaque is the confidential AI platform unlocking sensitive data to securely accelerate AI into production. Created by world-renowned researchers at the Berkeley RISELab, Opaque’s user-friendly platform empowers organizations to run cloud-scale, general purpose AI workloads on encrypted data. Opaque supports popular languages and frameworks for AI, including Python and Spark, and enables governed data sharing with cryptographic verification of privacy and sovereignty. Opaque customers deploy high-performance AI faster and eliminate the tradeoff between innovation and security.

Our Story

Pioneering the first-ever confidential AI solution for multi-party and inter-company collaborative analytics.

Opaque was built by confidential computing pioneers hailing from UC Berkeley’s RISELab, the world-renowned lab developing technologies that enable applications to interact intelligently and securely with their environment in real time.

A group of people standing in front of a tall clock tower.
A man and a woman standing in front of a whiteboard.
A black and white photo of a glass door.

RISELab has produced companies and projects like Databricks and Apache Spark. Together, Professor Ion Stoica (also founder and chairman of Databricks), Professor Raluca Ada Popa, Dr. Rishabh Poddar, Professor Wenting Zheng, and Chester Leung created, incubated, and open-sourced the breakthrough MC2 (Multiparty Collaboration and Competition) platform; MC2 enabled multiple data owners to perform joint analytics and ML model training on collective data without revealing their individual data to each other. Opaque’s platform was built on top of this open-source foundation, and the company was officially founded in 2021.


profile shot of the leadership individuals
Aaron Fulkerson
profile shot of the leadership individuals
Dr Rishabh Poddar
Co-Founder and CTO
profile shot of the leadership individuals
Prof Raluca Ada Popa
Co-Founder and President
profile shot of the leadership individuals
Chester Leung
Co-Founder and Head of Platform Architecture
profile shot of the leadership individuals
Prof Wenting Zheng
Co-Founder and Chief Scientist
profile shot of the leadership individuals
Prof Ion Stoica
Aaron Fulkerson
Dr Rishabh Poddar
Co-Founder and CTO
Prof Raluca Ada Popa
Co-Founder and President
Chester Leung
Co-Founder and Head of Platform Architecture
Prof Wenting Zheng
Co-Founder and Chief Scientist
Prof Ion Stoica


profile shot of the advisors individuals
Prof Hari Balakrishnan
Professor MIT
profile shot of the advisors individuals
Prof Pieter Abbeel
Professor UC Berkeley
profile shot of the advisors individuals
Kevin Mullen
Chief Product Officer
profile shot of the advisors individuals
Sharmila Shahani-Mulligan
Strategic Advisor and Investor Tech Companies
profile shot of the advisors individuals
Prof Christopher Ré
Professor Stanford
profile shot of the advisors individuals
Prof Hari Balakrishnan
Professor MIT
profile shot of the advisors individuals
Prof Pieter Abbeel
Professor UC Berkeley
profile shot of the advisors individuals
Kevin Mullen
Chief Product Officer
profile shot of the advisors individuals
Sharmila Shahani-Mulligan
Strategic Advisor and Investor Tech Companies
profile shot of the advisors individuals
Prof Christopher Ré
Professor Stanford
