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Opaque Systems, new Opaque Gateway Moves GenAI Projects from Pilot to Production

Opaque Media Relations
5 min read

Opaque Systems, new Opaque Gateway Moves GenAI Projects from Pilot to Production

Opaque’s Pioneering Confidential Data and Trusted AI Solution Enterprise.

Mar 14, 2024 (San Francisco) – Opaque Systems, the leader in confidential data for trusted AI to help enterprises move AI into production, today announced their Opaque Gateway early access. Opaque Gateway is a flexible software solution that verifiably addresses data privacy, security, and sovereignty concerns, increases the flexibility of enterprise Generative AI deployments, and provides a valuable tool for managing and decreasing the total cost of operating GenAI implementations.

“Companies are wrestling with data concerns and the uncertainty created by the rapidly changing landscape of LLMs. Data privacy, security, and sovereignty are of paramount concern. Also, companies are cautious about vendor lock-in because it’s unclear which models are the best quality and value,” said Aaron Fulkerson, Opaque Systems CEO. “Opaque Gateway allows the enterprise to control data privacy, security, and sovereignty while also providing the flexibility to adapt GenAI implementations as the model landscape continues to evolve–this is helping companies to get into production faster.”

The number one inhibitor for enterprise adoption of GenAI today revolves around the pressing needs of enterprises grappling with integration amidst a rapidly evolving regulatory and security environment. This product launch marks a significant leap in enterprise AI technology, breaking down the barriers to AI adoption and showcasing a new approach to deploying LLMs that removes the most common obstacles: provable data privacy, security, and sovereignty with a verifiable audit trail with a hardware root of trust.

  • Confidential Computing at Its Core: With Opaque Gateway, data remains encrypted in use, not just in storage and transit, ensuring the highest level of confidentiality. Furthermore, a complete audit log is produced with a hardware root of trust verifying data privacy, security, and sovereignty.
  • No Compromise on Speed, Efficiency, or Flexibility: The Opaque Gateway platform’s design ensures that AI projects are unblocked with zero switching costs, negligible performance hit, and with an increased flexibility of deployment.
  • A Proven Track Record: Opaque customers report up to a 5x faster time to first value and a 27% reduction in costs, showcasing tangible business benefits.

Opaque Gateway bridges the gap between AI potential and production reality by offering:

  • Streamlined AI Deployment: Facilitating a seamless transition from pilot to production with reduced time and cost, accelerating the path to realizing AI benefits. As requirements change, Opaque Gateway provides an elegant solution that prevents costly re-architecting.
  • Cryptographically Secure Data Processing with Verifiable Audit Reports: Ensuring data remains encrypted throughout processing, allowing businesses to deliver advanced logic between user prompts and LLM responses like configurable privacy controls, monitoring, reporting, analysis, customer logic pre- and post-LLM processing, and prompt compression. Providing a hardware root of trust, customers can trust the integrity of their data usage and comply with regulatory demands.
  • The Power of a Confidential Data and Trusted AI Platform: Opaque offers a complete solution for AI allowing companies to deploy analytics, ML, and AI capabilities in a confidential environment.

“With enterprises rushing to adopt GenAI, the launch of Opaque Gateway by Opaque Systems marks a pivotal moment for businesses seeking to harness the power of Generative AI without sacrificing the sanctity of data privacy or security.” said Mark Hinkle, Founder of the Artificially Intelligent Enterprise, “This innovative platform not only promises a smoother transition from pilot projects to full-scale production but also embodies a commitment to maintaining agility and compliance in the face of stringent regulatory requirements. By offering a solution that integrates confidential computing at its core, Opaque Gateway ensures that enterprises no longer have to choose between advancing their AI capabilities and upholding their duty to protect sensitive information.”

Opaque Systems leads the way in confidential data solutions for trusted AI. Our groundbreaking platform supports enterprises in adopting AI technologies with the assurance of data privacy, security, and sovereignty. By extending enterprise data pipelines with a confidential layer, Opaque Systems paves the way for faster, safer, and more efficient AI project deployment. This also comes with increased flexibility of deployment and zero switching costs.

More information about the Opaque Gateway early-access program can be found at https://opaquegateway.opaque.co/.

About Opaque Systems

Opaque Systems is the leader in privacy technology for data and AI, pioneering confidential computing for analytics and AI at UC Berkeley RISElab. Opaque is used by organizations including Ant Group, IBM, Scotiabank, and Ericsson.

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